Hi Oliver;
perhaps you can help with this one?:
I get a warning dialog stating "Cannot create an email message because the
data file to send and receive messages could not be found. To add a data file
such as a personal folder file, double-click on the Mail icon in Control
OK... I am setting up Outlook from scratch because I had to reformat my HD
and re-install everything. I have the setup the email account properly, can
send and receive a test message, I copied my backed up Outlook.pst file in
the C:\Documents and Settings\Douglas\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook directory, have contacts in my contacts file, Tasks
and notes work fine as well as Calendar, and can hit the Send and Receive
button and receive emails.
BUT, when I try to create a New Mail Message I get the warning above. I
went to the CP and clicked on the Mail Icon, Data Files, Personal Folders,
Open Folders... and low and behold, there is my Outlook.pst file.
Humm, pesky little problem, but I know one of yawl’ has the answer out there!
Thanks in Advance,
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote:
Hi hummingbird,
you can not delete the e-mail folders in Outlook.
This folder list is for the "Personal Folder" a "must".
You can disable Outlook as "Default e-Mail Client" but this would not delete
the "E-Mail Folder"
"How to change your default e-mail client in Outlook"
But you can edit your "Outlook Today":
"Learn How to Customize Outlook Today"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"hummingbird" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
hi everyone-
i don't want to use the mail feature in outlook AT ALL. is there a way to
completely turn it off, so i don't see any mention of it anywhere when i'm
using outlook? i especially don't want to see it on the outlook today
all i want to see are my appointments. i'm really only interested in using
the calender. thanks so much if you can help.
oh, i'm using outlook 2003 SP2 edition. thanks.