X-post to microsoft.public.ch.outlookexpress
It would have been preferable for you to have replied to your original
thread in microsoft.public.ch.outlookexpress (and crossposted to OE6
newsgroup, if you'd wished).
I made an error in my initial statement - "the only exception is the
"welcome" message!"
On review, none of the newsgroup messages had a "paper-clip" beside them!
But mail messages do? Perhaps you'd better restate your problem/question.
Whilst I'm here, would you be really generous and let me know the best
newsgroup/community site to use for general "computing" queries...
Here's a list of (just about) all MS newsgroups, Dave:
Click on any link to open the newsgroup in your newsreader using the MS
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), Aumha.org VSOP, DTS-L.org
BoaterDave wrote:
Hi Robear - I'm not sure if I dare reply to you at all ............ ! (but
the header of your message did say Reply-To: PABear)
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction .............. but I'm
still not sure!
I made an error in my initial statement - "the only exception is the
"welcome" message!"
On review, none of the newsgroup messages had a "paper-clip" beside them!
Surely the suggstions you made would affect all incoming messages? (but
I'm willing to learn otherwise!)
Whilst I'm here, would you be really generous and let me know the best
newsgroup/community site to use for general "computing" queries - such
"has anyone any bad experience of using "1-click Answers" from
Answers.Com - might I be landing myself with a virus/worm?"
"is it possible for a "script" to be placed on my PC which will not be
found by Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware programmes but which will still allow
an outside agency to monitor my activities or, indeed, control the
behaviour of my computer?"
My younger son, Nick, was a graduate whiz-kid computer guru who worked for
ICL. Sadly, he died from an unknown cause 7 years ago at the age of 28 - I
miss him still, especially the IT guidance he gave to his ol' Dad!
----- Original Message -----
From: "PA Bear"
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.ch.outlookexpress
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:02 AM
Subject: Paper clip icons
WinXP SP2: What's New for Internet Explorer and Outlook Express
ToolsOptionsSecurityDownload images... (uncheck)
ToolsOptionsReadRead all messages in plain text (uncheck)
OT: This newsgroup was established for speakers of Swiss (CH) languages.
You'll find much more traffic in these OE-specific newsgroups, Dave:
OE6-specific newsgroup:
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsof...tlooke xpress
OE General newsgroup:
BoaterDave wrote:
Almost all of my messages in my newly installed Outlook Express
(Windows XP Home SP2 and all updates) have a paper clip icon shown
alongside them in the main (basic) window (the only exception is the
"welcome" message!).
No messages actually have an attachment!
Can someone enlighten me please?