grayfox wrote:
Upon entering multiple filters against the "SUBJECT' of the SPAM
emails sent to me, it has come to my attention, through repeated SPAM
and my own testing, that filters applied to the "SUBJECT" of an email
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did this problem get
Does your ISP offer any spam protection? Have you asked?
You really can not do it with filters in mail clients. The spams are
designed to get around any rules they can have created. About the only
reliable way to get most, not all, spam is to use something like MailWasher,
which will let you use commonly available block lists to block known spam
sources from sending you mail, and even entire countries, like China.
MailWasher isn't great, but it's good for the purpose as long as you don't
use its "bounce" feature; that in somce cases could even get YOU reported
for spamming. Otherwise it's a great program. There are many others around
though; I just can't think of them. And they are free. So try some
searches on Google or your fav search engine.
Or, you could get a mail account (cheap) at a place like spamcop.NET. Lots
of mail controls there.
Whatever you do, you must always be on the lookout for accidental spams
being detected that are actually good mail so you don't want them deleted
unless you get a chance to check them over first. Usually you can tell a
spam just by glancing at its subject line or where it came from; if not now,
shortly as yu get more used to them.