OE removed an attached EXE file
"Ron Hirsch" escreveu na mensagem
I have a message rule set up to channel all messages with attachments to a
defined folder in OE. And, it does this just fine.
The other day someone sent me an expected EXE file with a message, which
went to that defined folder. But OE also removed the EXE file, and it was
I can understand the concerns about safety, and EXE files, but this was
that I wanted. So I sent a meesage to the sender of the file in question,
and said to just reanme it "message.txt". and resend it, which he did.
I renamed it accordingly when I got the attachment, back to the proper EXE
file name.
Nowhere in OE can I find any setting that appears to control this. But,
message line at the top of the message window stated that OE removed the
unsafe attached file. Where in OE can this action be changed? I presently
have images set to not display, but I can OK them to display by making
choice in the options offered in the message which comtains them.
Ron Hirsch