EML Files - Missing .exe file
Thanks for that, I can see the 'msimn.exe' file in the OE folder now. I have
done the file association, but when I try to open the .emf file now, it
minimises the mail message its attached to, and then nothing else happens.
"N. Miller" wrote:
On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 08:51:00 -0700, CJP338 wrote:
I have received emails with .emf attachments. I understand that I need to
associate this file extension with msimx.exe, but this file is missing from
my Outlook Express folder. How do I install this missing .exe file?
Have read this whole thread. Now that you know that the file attachments are
'.eml', not '.emf', *and* you know that the .exe file is 'msimn.exe', not
'msimx.exe', my question is simply, are you opening your email with MS
Outlook Express 6? If so, how can you be doing that without 'msimn.exe' on
the file system?
You say you can't see 'msimn.exe' in your C:\Program Files\Outlook Express
folder. Well, neither can I. At least with Folder Options | View configured
as I normally have it. To see 'msimn.exe' in your folder change your View
options: "Show hidden files and folders" *AND* uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files".
Once you have verified that you *can* see 'msimn.exe', and you have
associated the '.eml' files with 'msimn.exe', you should return your Folder
Options View configuration to "Hide protected operating system files".
~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.