There is no Signature property. The operations I describe do not depend on there being one.
It might help if you showed some code. Without that, we have no way of knowing in what order you're performing operations, etc. If you overwrite the Body property, for example, any signature that already exists is going to be replaced by your new Body text.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"Jeff" wrote in message
Thanks for the link.
I did not see the text of the signature in the value of the Body
property of Redemption's SafeMailItem, as one might expect. Based on
that test, also I assume that the signature would not appear in
RDO.RDOMail.Body, .HTMLBody, .RTFBody either, but I didn't take the
time to test those. I didn't see a ".Signature" property or equivalent
in Outlook COM, Redemption Safe* items, or Redemption RDO objects. Am
I missing something?
In my install of Outlook 2003 (Word as Editor, HTML format by
default) the signature line is getting added as long as I don't
manipulate the SafeMailItem.Body property. Is that expected?
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message ...
It certainly is possible to add a signature to an email message. If Word is the editor, it's also easy to remove it, because it's exposed as a Bookmark object. See If Word is not the email editor, the signature is not distinguished in any way from the rest of the text.
"Jeff" wrote in message
Can someone confirm that the Outlook 2003 COM object model does not
provide a way to programmatically get, modify, or remove the signature
line of an email?
Furthermore, it doesn't look like Redemption RDO supports manipulating
the signature line either (
I've noticed that a SafeMailItem will contain the signature line as
long as I don't modify the Body property. Has anyone else noticed