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Old October 26th 07, 02:46 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Benoit Lesage[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Setup appointement for next week but always brings today's dat

This is exactly what I do to try to create an entry into the calendar but
unfortunately, the date switches to the current date (today)

Also, I cannot move (drag and drop) an appointment for one date to another.

Honestly, I've looked in all the options and cannot find anything

"BillR" wrote:

It should be creating the appointment in the time slot you click.
Go to Day view, pick a day via the date navigator and click in a time slot
in day view to select it then (it should go dark blue) then double-click to
create a new Appointment there. does it go to the start and end times for
that time slot?

Bill R
"Benoit Lesage" wrote in message
OK here it goes.
Let's say that I want to setup a meeting for dec 18 !!
I go into the calendar, double click on Dec 18th at 3:00pm and then a
opens but the date changes to today's time and date ????

Is there a setup where you can tell Outlook to use the specified date
instead the the current ?

"BillR" wrote:

"on a leter date"? Where are you clicking?
Click on the day in the Date Navigator then on the time slot you want the

Bill R
"Benoit Lesage" Benoit wrote in
When I click on a leter date to setup meeting or appointement, outlook
take today's date instead of the date that I clicked on.

Tryied in different PC at work and all the other PCs seems to work.
