Yes, it is possible, but rather complex to implement, especially if you want to support Outlook's ability to handle messages in three different formats. of upi wanted such an editor to appear automatically, you'd start with the Inspectors.NewInspector, Inspector.Activate, and MailItem.Open events.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"p_larkin" wrote in message ...
Is there anyway in which when you open an new mail message form you can open
a C#/VB Application (editor) that once completed will return a string a place
it in the message body of the new mail message?
Instead of creating hundreds of forms, I was hoping to create an editor that
would be called by Outlook, filled out by the user, and return the result to
the message body. Is something of this nature possible?