"PA Bear" wrote in message
Welcome, fellow sufferer!
I have unisnstalled protection software and it seems to alleivate the issue.
Then when I reinstall it comes back.
What "protection software" did you uninstall/reinstall, please? Please be specific and thorough.
Related to this perhaps: are you running as a standard user or as an admin?
If the latter perhaps you should try running under DropMyRights at least?
(or vice versa. w)
Good luck
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.org/
Peter wrote:
I am glad to see I too am not the only one having this issue and it seems to
be fairly recent that this has occurred. Recent to the point, that I think
this occurred around an update of some sort with in the last 2 months. I get
the same error message, Can't open, low memory, low disk space.
I have unisnstalled protection software and it seems to alleivate the issue.
Then when I reinstall it comes back. Very frustrating. Only way around it so
far is to close OE and open up again. Then it will work for a time and ...
same issue. Very frustrated.