tasks vs Calendar
Then you may want to invest in a third party program, Taskline. It will link your tasks and calendar, plus do a whole lot of other useful things with your tasks. I have used it for several years now. Wonderful little program.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Paul asked:
| I tried that, but, while it shows up in the Tasks applet, it wont
| show up on the Calendar. Id like all my tasks that I create using
| the Tasks applet to show up also on the Calendar, and I cant seem to
| get that to happen.. Events I enter on the calendar show up in the
| calendar, and tasks I enter on the Task page show up there, but never
| the twain shall meet.. Im using MS Office Outlook, version 2007.
| thanks.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" What@ever wrote in message
| ...
| Use your tasks folder and set the reminder for the day in question
| and make it a recurring task.
| --
| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
| reading.
| After furious head scratching, Paul asked:
|| Im getting confused. You know sometimes how, if youve used a daily
|| planner, or 'Week at a Glance' types of old fashioned daily schedule
|| keepers, you often will make an entry about something you have to do
|| on a given day as kind of a reminder?
|| Well, in Outlook, I find that if I enter it in the Task applet, it
|| doesnt show up in the Calendar, and vice versa. So apparently the
|| tasks and the Calendar arent cross referenced. I dont know if this
|| has bothered anybody else, but it confuses me.. Where is the best
|| place to make an entry about some small task you need to do? .. Lets
|| say you want to remind yourself that every other wednesday morning
|| you want to go to the grocery store. You dont need an advanced
|| reminder; just an entry for every other wed. Where would you make
|| it?