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Old October 30th 07, 03:31 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Diane Poremsky
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,402
Default Conflict Warning for Meetings?

did the prompt include a 'do not show again' checkbox? - its not on the known list,
but you could always delete any number not identified in the list and see if
it warns again.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"mabster" wrote in message
What I can't understand is that I'm *sure* I've seen Outlook prompt me
before about conflicting bookings before it sends the invitations. I'm not
alone either - the user who asked me about it was asking why it had
"stopped" prompting her.

"Diane Poremsky" wrote in message
that's the best option -

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"mabster" wrote in message
Hi Milly,

Thanks for the fast reply.

This is a pretty glaring omission, although I'm sure there's a good
reason behind it. I guess educating users about the "scheduling
assistant" button on the ribbon is my only option right now.


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" What@ever wrote in message
Using your method, no. Have a look here for some other methods that
may work better in your circumstances:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, mabster asked:

| Hi folks,
| We have set up all of our meeting rooms as "rooms" in the global
| address list, so users can click on the "Rooms" button to book rooms
| when creating a meeting request.
| The rooms all automatically decline an invitation if they're already
| booked, but I (along with our users) don't think that's good enough.
| Shouldn't Outlook prompt you *before* it sends the request? I'm sure
| I've seen it do that under certain circumstances, but I can't work
| out why it warns sometimes but not others. Getting the decline notice
| after you've sent the invitations means you then have to reschedule
| the meeting and send updates - annoying to the other invitees.
| Is there something I have to enable to make Outlook pop up a warning
| to the meeting organizer before it sends the invitations?
| Thanks,
| Matt Hamilton
