I think this might be the answer to the problem, Winston. I am using an
unsecured wireless connection now in AZ. I had no problem with a secured
wireless connection in Las Vegas a few days ago or an unsecured wifi
connection in utah before that.. this is the FIRST time I've had this
problem of the incoming working and the outgoing not. I had subscribed to a
public vpn service in september [for banking, etc.] and renewed it recently.
Now I can't get that to work either. Would it help to find out what ISP my
host is using? I'm getting in over my head here already.
"...winston" wrote in message
In addition to advice provided by PABear, you may wish to verify you
iinet.com settings
Due heed the advice to disable email scanning in your Antivirus program,
in addition to creating the problems already mentioned some AV programs
are not capable of handling SSL encrypted mail(which iinet requires).
Alternative smtp port from the iinet instructions:
"Note: Some other ISP's ( I.E. Comcast, Qwest, Century Tel and many
others.) Tend to block port 25 to all outgoing mail servers except there
own. If you have any issues you can try Port # 587 As a last resort, if
all else fails, you can convert back to port 25; however port 25 will only
work if you are connected to the Infinity Internet Network."
MS-MVP Windows Live Mail
"sarah" sarahnewland@iinetdot com wrote in message
clicking SEND/RECEIVE brings in my mail but refuses to SEND messages.
This problem just started yesterday and I have not changed my settings or
info. Getting this error message: Server: smtp.iinet.com
protocol: SMTP, Port 25, secure(SSL) No. socket Error: 10053 Error
number: 0x800CCC0F Thanks in advance for any help.