Running 2 Outlooks
Not if they are 2 Exchange servers. It sounds like you are accessing 2 Exchange accounts. The only way to do it is to continue doing what you are doing or have separate profiles for each Exchange account, but you cannot have both profiles open at the same time.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, C. Hernandez asked:
| Hello, my company has merged with another and both are using Outlook
| and I am required to carry two active e-mail addresses/accounts and I
| work out of both simultaneously. Currently, I have one open through
| the application on my hard drive and the other I access through the
| web. I would be great if I could have both open at the same time
| running on the app.
| Is it possible to 2 Outlook applications open pointing to different
| servers at the same time? -- Hopefully curious...o