I just migrated all my Nokia 6230i contacts into Outlook after much
Nokia has a general phone number field and this does not get mapped to
Outlook contact fields automatically as a result all my Outlook
contacts had only names and no phone numbers. Then I found a tool
'nokisms' (
http://nokisms.googlepages.com) and was able to extract all
my Nokia 6230i contacts to a excel file and then import into outlook, a
lot of work to simply copy contacts.
Now that my contacts are finally in Outlook I find that outlook has
reformatted the phone numbers by best guess. Outlook identified part of
a number as either country code or area code and displayed that in
parenthesis, even though that was part of the original number
Number in Nokia: 6203427374
Number as displayed in Outlook: (620)3427374
on the other hand some numbers are displayed the way I want
Number in Nokia: 16203427374
Number as displayed in Outlook: 16203427374
My question is how can I change the default view of numbers in outlook,
so that I can remove the parenthesis and 'assumed' area codes and still
retain the orginal number as displayed in my Nokia.
Further I want to change the default contact name file as format from
"lastname, first name" to "First Name, last Name". Since I want the new
list on my HTC Kaiser to appear by First name, last name when I sync
Thanks in advance for your help..
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