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Old November 7th 07, 08:27 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.installation
Brian Tillman
external usenet poster
Posts: 17,452
Default How do I reset/restore all Outlook 2003 settings and folders?

Chuck wrote:

Well Brian, you get a "No" for "did this post answer your question,
since you are unnecessarily abrupt/rude,

You're wrong on this one. I was not rude in the least. I did not use any
pejorative terms, nor did I engage in any ad hominem attacks.

and you needlessly disagree
with what I previously said, which was indeed the case.

Sorrt, it's not the case. COntacts are stored in exactly the same file as
mail, calendar, tasks, and all other Outlook data. That's fact, whether or
not you choose to believe it.

I find these
Microsoft forums, sadly, to be unhelpful, difficult to navigate, and
full of unpleasant unhelpful people.

It's not an official Microsoft support channel. It's a peer-to-peer
newsgroup. Use it or don't; it's your choice.

Not only does nobody answer the question, but respondents nearly
always have to make some pointless jab at the person asking the

Quote the "pointless jab" from my earlier post. You can't, because I made

either contradicting the questioner,

When the questioner is wrong, the questioner must be contradicted.

or making some rude comment about some detail omitted,

Quote the "rude comment" you think I made. You can't, because I made none.

or pointlessly asking "Why do you
want to do that?" Really it's none of your business.

On the contrary, the "why" of things often affects the answer. It's
certainly not "pointless" to ask.

Another issue: In many of the threads, people want to know what
version of whatever software is being asked about--fair enough. Do
you know why people don't mention it? It's not because they're
stupid; it's because Microsoft makes you enter that information into
its various forms, in my case twice, before you reach the forums.

There aren't "forums" and no one here EVER sees the stuff Microsoft makes
you enter.

Forgive us for mistakenly thinking that this information would be
known, or that our message would be routed to a forum dedicated to
the software version we already identified.

I'll agree with this one, certainly.

Moreover, you can't edit
your post after you submit it, so that basic information can't be
added later. This is the only forum I've posted to where I cannot
edit a post after the fact.

I don't know of any Internet-hosted forum or message exchange that allows
one to change a post once it has been posted.

And you get a double no for providing an arcane, undetailed response
regarding creating a new mail profile and PST, that only provides
about 1/3 of the needed information.

How would you expect me to know what information you need or don't?
Moreover, the method used to create new mail profiles and new PSTs are
easily found by Help in Outlook, by examining the Microsoft Knowledgebase,
by using Google Groups to search these newsgroups, by using Google to search
web pages, and by other means. Sorry if I don't take the time to spoon-feed
you. You have a brain.

Last night I figured out how to
solve my problem on my own, and it did include creating a new .pst,

Good for you.

but that was only a part of the solution. The brunt of my problem
was that there were multiple profiles in Outlook that had cluttered
the Mail panel with loads of folders--it was a mess,

And whose fault was that? Mine? You're the one who created all those
files. It's your PC. I didn't touch it.

and I wanted to start over with a blank Outlook slate.

And I told you how, so I answered EXACTLY the question you asked.

The other pst files had to be
deleted; just creating a new one would be that much more cluttered.

They didn't HAVE to be deleted. Moreover, under some conditions, simply
deleteing PSTs is contraindicated.

You can assume if I were knowledgeable enough about the software to
understand your half-response, I would never have needed to ask the
question in the first place.

ALl levels of knowledge of Outlook are represented here. Unless YOU state
where you are on the spectrum and ASK for the detail you wish, you're
expecting mind readers.

Everybody: Get some manners, and answer questions in a thorough and
specific way, and explain all Microsoft-related jargon.

Get some sense and ask questions with enough background someone can answer.

And perhaps
use some of your brusque energy to pester that billion-dollar
company, Microsoft, about why it provides such lackluster service and
katywompus software to its customers.

Pestering works best when it comes from the customers.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
