Outlook 2003: Prevent message when set reminder-time for a task
Hi Sue,
thx for the tip. I can resolve the problem with the move-method. ;-)
But one question:
My personalized Outlook-form starts by click a button (VB-Script) a
Here the VB-Script-code:
sub commandbutton6_click()
Dim CB5Caption
CB5Source = 1
Set MB = CreateObject("InkassiOutlookTools.WordFunction") ' this is
my vb.net-application
call MB.Mahnbrieferstellung()
msgbox "OK"
CB5Source = 0
Item.Close olSave
end sub
In this application then i use the move-method. This works fine.
After the vb.net-application have finished his work the vb-script-code of
the form should finished his work.
But nothing happens. Could it be, that the move-method in my
vb.net-application automatically closes my outlook-item?