At the very least you neglected to mention 2 basic pieces of information
given your question:
1) Outlook version
2) Act version
The necessary info as to how to import Outlook contacts into any program is
generally included in the program that wants you to import the data. In any
event, the following may be of use to you (if you are not using Act! 2005 -
a simple google search should get you the specific info you're looking for
whatever Act version you're using)
Sharing Act! 2005 and Outlook Address Books
Adapted from: ACT! 2005 for Dummies
As for exporting from Outlook - use Import/Export - CSV file.
__________________________________________________ _
Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"
"dani" wrote in message
how do I export my contacts from outlook to ACT.
It says I may have to convert my file into delimited text file - not sure
what that is and if I have to do it