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Old November 16th 07, 02:11 AM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default Message Rule question

To block a domain, create a Message Rule:

Where the from line contains people
Delete it and Stop processing more rules (or Delete it from the server)
Click on Contains People and Add the domain. Ex:

Same actions for a To or CC
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
line rule.

"Ron Hirsch" wrote in message
I have used message rules for many years. I have a question on setting up a
new rule - maybe someone can answer it for me.

Adelphia is now a "dead" service provider, having been taken over by
Comcast. So, all addresses that contained " are no longer

But I see that most of the spam that I get is addressed to
"someone@adelphia,net", and is usually from "someone@adelphia,net".

I would like to create a message rule that when the string "adelphia"
appears in either the to or from line, I want to delete it from the
but, the present rules do not appear to offer that option.

They offer the option to take action when the to or from line contains
"people", but that appears to refer to the string before the "@" sign, and
that rule does not recognize that string after the "@" sign.

Is it possible to do what I want to do???

Ron Hirsch
