News items fail to download
"Bruce Hagen" wrote:
Tools | Options | Read. Uncheck: Get XXX headers at a time. Then, right
click on the newsgroup in the Folder Tree | Properties | Local File |
Reset. Switch to another folder and then back and all available messages
will be downloaded again.
Or go to Tools | Options | Maintenance | Clean Up Now and choose the
group, or server at the top and then Reset.
It would be a good idea to compact your folders when you're done.
Click on Outlook Express at the top of the folder tree so no folders are
open. Then: File | Work Offline (or double click Working Online in the
Status Bar). File | Folder | Compact all folders. Don't touch anything
until the compacting is completed.
My personal preference is to disregard synchronizing and rather have OE
check for news when it checks for mail. Tools | Accounts | News. Check: "
Include this account...........".
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
Done that. Thanks Bruce. Some new as-yet-unseen posts
have arrived so it looks like it worked.
"altheim" wrote in message
I have a new problem with OE which has only recently started
to occur - I appear to be losing news:
After starting synchronisation of all my newsgroups I get a
notification of how many items to expect via the bracketed
number in the folders list alongside the newsgroup name.
Mostly the stated number of items do arrive but now, in two
of my groups, the stated number often does not arrive -
either fewer than stated or occasionally none at all. The
number either changes to the actual receipt or disappears.
I have tried deleting all news rules to no effect. Not sure what
other settings could affect receipt of news.
Running XP SP2 IE7 OE6
Thanks ia