"Unable to choose recpoients"
When I click on "Create Mail" or "Forward" and then "To" I get this notice
"Unable to choose recipients". It will not launch my Addressbook where I can
select recipients and I get this notice.
Apologize for the misspelling of recipients in original email subject. Too
many thumbs....
"Poprivet" wrote in message
ColTom2 wrote:
I have had this now happen twice within the last few days with
Outlook Express 6. When I tried to enter the addresses in a new email
or forward I get a message that says "Unable to choose recipients"
and it will not allow me to enter any addresses in the email. I have
never had this happen before until this week.
Anyone know the cause and corrective action that I can initiate to
resolve this issue?
"Enter" them how? Any chance you have duplicate entreis in your Address