When I send directly from Word, I get a copy in my Sent Items.
First thing to try is sending a message from Word to yourself. When you
get the message back in your Inbox, look at the Message Source (Ctrl-F3)
and in particular, the X-mailer header. Does it say it is from Outlook
Express. If not, Word sent via a different mail program, perhaps
If does say OE sent it, do you have more than one identity? It might be
that the message got saved in the Sent Items of a different identity.
Mike -
"shakey" wrote in message
When I send a message DIRECTLY from either Word or Excel no copy gets
placed into my IE6 SENT FOLDER. Actually I find no record of it saved
anywhere in my system but it is received by the recipient. Should it
show or have I set something wrong? I have tried Word newsgroup
without success.