Since System32 is in the PATH,
regsvr32.exe redemption.dll
will register the dll in System32. Specify fully qualified path when
registering with regsvr32.exe:
regsvr32.exe "c:\program files\redemption\redemption.dll"
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Patrick Pirtle" pap at mka dot com wrote in message
Dmitry -
As always, many thanks for your help. The problem turned
out to be that, although I had installed the latest DLL into
"C:\program files\redemption", the version that was *really*
getting used was in "C:\Windows\System32". Although I
tried unregistering the one in the System32 folder, followed
by registering the one in "Program Files", I couldn't get it to
work. Ultimately, I just copied the new one over into the
System32 folder and re-registered it.
The code below worked just fine in OutlookSpy. Now,
it's back to working on my little app. Thanks, again, to
both yourself and Ken Slovak.
- Patrick
The impossible just takes a little longer...
Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
Did you remove Redemption from your project references and re-add it
again to make sure VB can see the latest version?
Can you try to run the following script from OutlookSpy (click "Script
Editor", paste the script, click Run)?
set Table = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPITable")
Table.Item =Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
Set Recordset = Table.ExecSQL("SELECT Subject, ReceivedTime, EntryID
from Folder " & _
"order by ReceivedTime
desc") while not Recordset.EOF
Debug.Print(Recordset.Fields("ReceivedTime").Value & " - " &
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Patrick Pirtle" pap at mka dot com wrote in message
Hmmm...Well, I'm using V4.4.0.714, and have purchased
the redistributable version. Just to be sure, I uninstalled it,
downloaded the developer version from Dmitry's site, and
reinstalled it.
The MAPITable doesn't seem to have the ExecSQL
method. Any idea where I'm going wrong? Thanks.
The impossible just takes a little longer...Hmmm...
Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
Your code works here.
Are you using a version of Redemption that supports ExecSQL? Check
your version and check the Object Browser to see if your version of
Redemption supports that method.