Form of phone numbers in contact list
Clearly that is Blackberry's job, not Outlook's. Outlook's job is to present
one consistent format to all clients. It is the clients' responsibility to
know what that format is and how to use it. Tell Blackberry to get its act
Russ Valentine
"Don Holmes" wrote in message
I am using Blackberry's Desktop Software to syncronize with my MS Outlook
Contacts list. The onboard caller-id function of the phone that is
supposed to correlate the incoming phone number to a name of a contact
(should the number be in my contacts list) isn't working. According to
help from Blackberry the problem is the "form" of the numbers as they're
being loaded on the Blackberry from MS Outlook. Specifically, apparently
the fact that the numbers are stored in the form of (###) ###-#### instead
of something like ###-###-#### is keeping the phone from realizing that the
incoming number is one that is in the contacts list... So, the question
here is how do I change the form in which the phone number is stored in MS
Outlook to be ###-###-#### instead of (###) ###-####?
Thanks, Don