Sizing a Signature
The number of pixels per inch (72) doesn't tell us about how large the
graphic actually is, which might be 2.42" x 5.44".
When you open the graphic in Photoshop or Paint, how large is the
graphic (both in dimension and in file size)?
Remember, too, that even if you resize the graphic in Outlook, it's
probably going to be pretty big. And you don't want your signature to
be large in terms of file size.
On Nov 26, 11:38 am, P Fruin wrote:
I'm using Outlook 2007 and going to Tools, Options Mail Fomat Signatures
to resize a signature image so I can set it as my default signature. In
previous versions under Tools, Options Mail Fomat Signatures, there was an
Advanced button that would allow you to do things like this but there seems
to be no way to do this in 2007? The image I'm trying to insert is already
sized correctly fr insertion in e-mails - 72 pixels per inch - but when
Outlook inserts it, it expands it so that it insets at 2.42"H x 5.44"W! How
do I resize this? Thanks!