Use the Item_Open event to stamp user information into a custom property and to check the current value of that property. Then the Item_Close event to clear the user stamp.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"bbnimda" wrote in message ...
Excuse me Sue I didn't explain may sefl correctly
here is the situation
Server Exchange 2003 SBS & +/- 5 Outlook 2003
we're 5/6 users using outlook2003 over Lan
User A on computer A is using Outlook 2003 he open the contact item
"John Do" and he is updating some information
User B on computer B open the same contact item 10 sec after User A , User
B want to modify something and save while USER A is still updating the
contact item
How do I know from computer B accout UserB that this Item is currently busy
(User by User A)
I hope this example is more explicit
Actually I use a workarroud solution by putting the name of current user in
a field and save the item
When the item is release I flush that field
When someone open the item, if the field is emplty I allow all operation
otherwise i only allow to see the contact item
this work but...
I have to perform save item twice (at the opening / closing) even if the
user modify nothing on the contact item
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" a écrit dans le message
de news: ...
YOu can return the current user in VBA or VBScript behind a custom form with
a call to Application.Session.CurrentUser.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"bbnimda" wrote in message
Hi All,
To prevent conflict in using my perso Forms, I think about using something
like a flag
I think about using à personal field to put the name of the current user
release this value when the file is closed
But perhaps a Built'in fuction can do this ....
any idea Sue ?