Actually, I was hoping to be able to see all the "usual" headers: subject,
from, to, cc, bcc, date/time. I only see subject, from, and to; and only the
"to" is labled as such. The few email programs I've used show all of those
by default, and am wonder how to make Outlook do the same.
I know you can open the message, select "View - Options..." and see all of
the Internet headers, but that's more than I want to see, and more trouble
than I want to go through.
"K. Orland" wrote:
If you double-click the email, is it displayed then?
Kathleen Orland - MVP Outlook
Outlook Tips:
"Pilgrim" wrote:
I've done an Internet search, but i can't find how to display the date and
time of an email message when the message is displayed in the Reading Pane of
Outlook 2003.
The date is displayed in the Inbox list of messages, but not in the message
itself, which only shows the subject, sender, and recipient(s). I'd like to
set the date/time stamp there as well.