Unread items not disappearing
If anyone still has problems with this, here's what I did
***NOTE: In order to fully complete this process, you will need
Outlook Web Access. Check with your IT Admin first before you start
this process to see if you have access to OWA***
1. Make sure you are in Folder List mode. To be sure, click the
folder icon in the lower left of your screen
2. Go to File Import and Export
3. Export your Calendar as a PST file (just choose the default options
and remember where you save it =D)
4. Once that finishes, go to File Open Outlook Data File
5. Find the file you just saved and double-click it. This will open a
folder called Personal Folders in the left view
6. Click the plus sign next to Personal Folders and then click
8. Once you do that, right click on the Calendar in Personal Folders
and choose Move Calendar
9. Move it to the top most item. It should say 'Mailbox - Your
Name'. Hit OK
10. You will now have a Calendar and a Calendar1. Close Outlook
11. Log into Outlook Web Access
12. Right-click on your calendar and choose Delete. Hit Yes or OK to
13. Then right-click on Calendar1, choose Rename, change it to
14. Close Outlook Web Access. Open Outlook
15. The unread items should now be gone. Hope this helps =D
Also, if anyone has any tips or anything like that let me know