Business Contact Manager will not install
I recently took an update download of Business Contact Manager for Outlook
2003 from the MS website. However, the installation process ended with a
message "Installation has not completed" - reinstal. I repeated the process,
but with the same result.
I had a previous version of Business Contact Manager installed, which the
installer recognises and says it will update, but the outcome is as above. I
now have the entry "Microsoft Outlook with Business Contact Manager" in my
program list, but the only options are "Help" and "View the Tours". There is
no launch option.
The Add/Remove Programs option of Control panel shows Business Contact
Manager as an entry, but without any option to remove or change the program.
How can I get Business Contact Manager either to instal completely or,
alternatively, how can I remove the partly installed program? (Incidentally,
in the course of the abortive installation, a significant number of Office
2003 programs were modified, according to my antivirus program ZoneAlarm
which flags changed programs. Presumably there will be an awful lot to undo
if I am to uninstall the partially installed program.)