Your post is confusing, because there is no such thing as "XP Outlook Org Library." The Organizational Forms library exists only on an Exchange Server machine. Please explain more precisely exactly what steps the user takes and what symptoms result, and be sure to quote earlier messages so we can keep all the details together.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"Brendan Chick" wrote in message ...
The recipients do not receive any item (template item/object instance etc) in their inbox.
The template has the "send form definition with item" box unchecked and published this way.
Furthermore, the recipients do receive a template item/object instance when sent from the Outlook Org Library in NT (not just from the personal library).
So my updated problem is: when I try to send in XP Outlook Org Library it still isn't received, but NT Org Library is sending fine...
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message ...
When this form is sent, the recipients do not receive a copy of the sent form.
What do you mean by that? Do the recipients get nothing? Do they get something unexpected?
When you published the form to Org Forms, did you leave the "send form definition with item" box on the Properties page unchecked? That's required. See
"Brendan Chick" wrote in message ...
I have a custom form published in the Organisational Forms Library. When this form is sent, the recipients do not receive a copy of the sent form.
Maybe the form was not sent at all?
I 'run' the same form in my Personal Forms Library and send it.
The recipients do receive it from here. :?
What could be going on for this to work in the personal library and not in the org library?
I am using Outlook 2003 SP2.