Unread Flags on IMAP Accounts in OE
"Andrew" wrote in message
I have found that in Outlook Express when I view an unread message on an IMAP
account, it will show up as unread again on the next send/receive (giving me
the "new mail" indication again as well). In other words, the 'unread' flag
is not being changed on the IMAP server. However, I have found that
switching to a mailbox on any other account (such as a local folder) after
reading the message causes the unread flags to be set properly so I do not
get false "new mail" alerts.
My question is, is there any way to either:
1. Set OE to automatically change the flags immediately, or at regular
intervals; or
According to the Help you can use a Synchronize command with IMAP
accounts. Have you tried doing that?
It may help if you explained more how you download messages,
e.g. just via Send/Receive? Also, you could use the troubleshooting log
for IMAP to see if OE is doing what you think it should be doing.
If so, you may have evidence that the source of your symptom is really
in your server and in that case ask your server operator to make changes
so that OE's requests are honored. Etc.
BTW you may have better luck finding a newsgroup or forum where your
particular server is the main focus of discussion. E.g. you are more likely
to find knowledgeable comment about both it and OE there than here.
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle
2. Set OE to automatically switch to the local inbox after a specified
interval, which will force the flags to be updated.
The reason this is a problem is that I often forget to change the mailbox,
so 5 minutes after reading an email I get the "new mail" alert again (and I
am always disappointed!)