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Old December 13th 07, 05:40 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Outlook 2007 shared calendars are lost when exchange 2007 reboot

I get a similar situation, I will open a shared calendar, and it will appear
in my list of shared calendars. It stays there until the next day (result of
server restart, or my machine). when they no longer appear in my list, and I
have to go and manually open them again, rather than clicking the check box
to view a calendar in the list. I noticed it happening after I installed
Vista on my laptop.


"Cris Krikkke" wrote:

When we restart the exchange 2007 server our outlook 2007 client lose there
shared calendar's off colleages. They must add them manualy again.

Who has a fix for this?

Cris krikke
