"Andrew" wrote in message
Also, you could use the troubleshooting log
for IMAP to see if OE is doing what you think it should be doing.
If so, you may have evidence that the source of your symptom is really
in your server and in that case ask your server operator to make changes
so that OE's requests are honored. Etc.
I have a few pieces of evidence that this is an OE problem. The first clue
is that other clients, including Outlook and Thunderbird, do not have the
problem with the same server.
In that case you could refine your symptom description by comparing
their traces with OE's. What does OE do or not do differently?
Another clue is from Princeton's website:
"Some e-mail clients set message flags improperly. Outlook Express 5 in IMAP
mode does not update message flags (Read, Deleted, etc.) on the server until
the program exits. Users of Outlook Express (any version) using IMAP may see
read messages revert back to an unread state. This is due to Outlook Express
incorrectly using multiple connections to the same mailbox. This is a
documented bug with Outlook Express in IMAP mode."
I don't go to Princeton or use their server by the way, I just found this
with a web search.
I took a look at the logs but they don't mean anything to me.
You don't need to understand what you are looking at to compare two
supposedly equivalent traces.
Also, since you know that OE's support for IMAP is weak
perhaps this is just a symptom of that? You could try using OE's
successor Windows Live Mail to see if it has improved IMAP
support at all. I don't know and can't test, since I don't have any
IMAP accounts.
Good luck