Is there a way of setting the ReplyTo address when using
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message
ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope.Item returns an Outlook.MailItem that works just
like any other: Reply recipients are set through the ReplyRecipients
collection. There is no direct way to set the sender, although providing a
value to the SentOnBehalfOfName property will work in some scenaros.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"Paul W Smith" wrote in message
Thanks Ron for the update.
I am being pressured at work to provide a solution hence my second post, I
was hoping that it therew as a way to include the graphic without using
Activesheet.MailEnvelope, I coud addapt the solution you provided a couple
of days ago.
Obviously as an MVP you have access to Microsoft others do not have, have
you invetsigated the possibility of getting some documentation on the
MailEnvelope. It seems to strange to me that you can set the .subject and
.Recipients properties, but apparently not any form of From or ReplyTo
"Ron de Bruin" wrote in message
Hi Paul
Activesheet.MailEnvelope is the only good way on this moment
I am working on a CDO way but this one is not ready yet
Regards Ron de Bruin
"Paul W Smith" wrote in message
I want to be able to send the contents of a Excel range in an Email. I
not want to send it as an attachment, I want it in the body of an Email.
The Excel page contains a logo graphic which is the problem using all
methods on Ron de Bruin's page, as I understand them.
I cannot see to find a way to send the page and logo (without using the
Can anyone suggest a method of sending an Excel range in an Email,
including any graphics on the sheet.