How do I search the contact notes field?
On Dec 14, 7:44 pm, "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" What@ever wrote:
Or categorize the contacts to match your search criteria.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] asked:
| Use it anyway. Instant Search doesn't work on the Notes field.
| If you need information that frequently, you might want to consider a
| better place to store information than the Notes field.
|| Outlook 2007.
|| Advanced Find is very cumbersome, especially if you have to use it
|| 50-100 times a day.
|| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
||| Post Outlook version.
||| Use Advanced Find.
||| --
||| Russ Valentine
||| [MVP-Outlook]
||| "Greg S" wrote in message
|||| I use keywords located in the notes field in most of my contacts,
|||| but the
|||| contacts search function does not list those contacts with the
|||| search criteria in the notes field. How can I add the notes field
|||| to the list of
|||| indexed or queried fields? Any help would be MOST appricaiated.
You are indicating the newest version of Outlook 2007 WILL NOT search
the Notes field? WTF as my teenaged son would say. And your
suggestion is "place the information somewhere else besides Notes"?
Like some other contact management software? Search is THE most
critical part of a contacts database.
At this point I am syncing to my PDA and searching my contacts on
Mobile 6 on the PDA. Can this be the way Microsoft wants it's
applications to NOT work?
What happened to making products people want to buy?
Tom Fitzgibbon | Multidata | 212-967-6700 x8120