Email attachments are missing
"chelley55" wrote in message
After working fine for two years, I suddenly have a problem receiving
attachments from one particular sender. He sends the email with an
attachment but it shows up on my computer with no attachment. If he also
sends it to my co-workers, the attachment is there. But when it comes to
- no attachment shows up. When his coworker sends the exact same email
attachment to me, the attachment is there and I can open it without
What's going on? Are his attachments being blocked? If that's the case,
do I change it and why did it happen? Any help please will be
What email program is he using?
What Outlook Express version are you using? (The complete version number
from Help | About)
Frank Saunders, MS MVP, OE,WM
Please reply in newsgroup. Do not send email!