This MI5 guy and message rules
Yep... I know I could lose legit messages. For some reason or another this
nut case got to me this time with his hit and run apends to god knows how
many news groups.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
You can create a Subject rule and add M & I & 5 one at a time, but any
message containing those letters or number in the subject field will also
be deleted. Not really much you can do effectively but keep deleting the
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"FredP" wrote in message
Tried creating a rule using words in OE to parse him out.. Problem is
since he uses different ways of including M I 5 that add commas, blanks,
dashes etc. I just want to parse on the letters M I and 5. Is there a
way to do letter/number and have an 'and' so it covers all three? I
reralize there could be legit appends that include these 3 and so I would
miss them. Thats OK.
TIA _Fred