This is from new users group, any validity to this idea or varieties of it?
Justin Thyme wrote:
Just set up a rule to filter on Message ID contains "
"PA Bear" wrote in message
This demented a**hole is an experienced sporger and has figured out how to
circumvent any filtering, be it serverside or on your end. Just Delete
this posts or ignore them.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin
FredP wrote:
Tried creating a rule using words in OE to parse him out.. Problem is
he uses different ways of including M I 5 that add commas, blanks, dashes
etc. I just want to parse on the letters M I and 5. Is there a way to do
letter/number and have an 'and' so it covers all three? I reralize
could be legit appends that include these 3 and so I would miss them.
TIA _Fred