Is '' your ISP?
Troubleshooting error messages that you receive when you are using OL and OE
Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides no
additional protection and even Symantec says it's not necessary:
Disabling Email Scanning does not leave you unprotected against viruses that
are distributed as email attachments. Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect scans
incoming files as they are saved to your hard drive, including email and
email attachments. Email Scanning is just another layer on top of this. To
make sure that Auto-Protect is providing the maximum protection, keep
Auto-Protect enabled and run LiveUpdate regularly to ensure that you have
the most recent virus definitions.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
SP wrote:
Below is an error that I get sometimes when "sending" email. Some
internet advices mentioned that it might have to do with virus software.
So not only I disabled virus software, I uninstalled it completely, but
the error still occurred. So, for my case, virus software didn't seem to
be the cause. The strange thing is that the error did not happen every
time I sent email. It happened sporadically throughout the day and always
at the moment I sent a message. When it happened, all I needed to do was
to click Send/Recv button again and the message got sent ok.
I also tried to use port 5190 instead of the standard port 25 in account
properties, but that didn't help either.
Please help solve this problem.
Thank you
===========socket error 10053==============
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: 'My Account', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, socket error: 10053, error Number: