.dbx Access Problem
Thanks, Bruce, but it didn't work. See my
comments/questions inserted below preceded by +++ symbols.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
The Jeep folder in OE's folder tree was probably deleted
by mistake. The
Jeep(1).dbx file is empty @ 75KB. Delete it from the
message store leaving
the original Jeep.dbx file. Open OE and delete the new
Jeep folder from the
tree. Restart your computer.
+++ Did that, no apparent problem.
Now, let's get those messages back.
First, make sure the folder isn't in Deleted Items.
+++ Checked, it isn't there.
If not, see if the dbx
file for the folder still exists in the message store and
manually restore
it as follows.
+++ Yes, it still exists, and I tried the steps below you
In Windows Explorer, click on the dbx file for the missing
(Jeep.dbx) and drag it to the Desktop.
+++ Did that, and a small icon appears on the desktop.
Open OE and create a folder with the
*exact* same name as the one on your Desktop, (Jeep).
+++ Did that - and I wonder if it must be created directly
under "Local Folders" or if it can be created (nested)
within another folder, such as Cars?
Open the new folder ...
+++ Did that, and the only message shown is that "There are
no items in this view." (My view option is set to show all
and then close OE.
+++ Did that.
Go back to Windows Explorer and Click Desktop and drag
the file from the Desktop to the OE store folder
+++ Did that, and the icon remained on the Desktop, after I
had dragged it to the store folder and released it. (Maybe
I don't know how to drag and drop? I believe what I was
doing was creating a "shortcut" on the desktop to the .dbx
file within the store folder - is that what I was supposed
to be doing?)
... that you clicked on to
reveal the .dbx files. Prompt - "Do you want to
overwrite......."? Click
+++ When I was prompted I did click yes.
+++ But the messages do not show when I go to OE and click
on the folder that I created.
+++ Other ideas? Am I supposed to restart the computer
after doing these steps?
+++ Thanks - I look forward to more guidance.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"CWLee" wrote in message
(I'm using Windows 2000/pro on a Gateway Computer.)
I had a folder in Outlook Express with a title of Cars,
a corresponding folder Cars.dbx viewable via Windows
Explorer. The folder was getting large, so I moved
messages into three newly created folders, Ford, Chevy,
Jeep - at least I thought that was what I did. However,
Outlook Express I now have only the folders Cars, Ford,
Chevy - but no folder for Jeep. When I use Windows
I find Cars.dbx, Ford.dbx, Chevy.dbx, and Jeep.dbx. The
Jeep.dbx folder has ~7,000 KB of contents, which seems
My problem is how can I access the email stored in that
Jeep.dbx folder, since there is no Jeep folder in
(I created a new folder in Outlook Express, named Jeep,
that didn't do it. Via Windows Explorer that merely
resulted in a new folder titled Jeep(1).dbx. having 75
Unsuccessful attempt.)
Any assistance appreciated.
Former slayer of dragons; practice now limited to sacred
cows. Believing we should hire for quality, not quotas,
promote for performance, not preferences.