Duplicate entries in Contacts
There seem to be a lot of duplicate entries in my Outlook 2003 contacts list
I have just done a test.
I created a new folder in Outlook 2003 for contacts.
I entered two new contacts and linked this to an Access table.
It created duplicate entries for both contacts in the Aceess table..
It seems to create duplicates for fax and email.
I get one entry for myname @hotmail.com and anther for "myname@+1(000)
000-0000 ----that's my fax number.
The other difference in the entries is for the email type column.....one
entry displays "SMTP" the other displays "FAX".
Another difference is in the Send Rich Text column where one field displays
"0" and the other field displays "-1".
These duplicate entries also appear when I use the "To" button in a new
email and select from the contact list
that holds just these two new contacts, with duplicates for each.
How can I avoid these duplicates. (if at all possible)
Thanks for any advice.