How do I load 2008 holidays in Outlook 2003?
Oh my freaking soul - doesn't ANYONE read the archives of this group since 1-1-08 to see the myriad numbers of posts with the link to update holidays through 2012?
I give up. Users don't want to work for anything - they just want to be spoonfed.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Tilpa Gal asked:
| I have just started working for a Charitable Institution and they
| only have Outlook 2003 - and its not likely that they can afford to
| upgrade it. I have to book all the Board meetings and other
| functions, so I need the public holidays loaded into Outlook.
| Outlook 2003 only came load with Holidays for the years 2003-2007.
| So now its 2008 is there anyway I can download the holidays for 2008
| onwards? Or am I going to have to go through and load each one
| individually myself?
| Thanx in advance for any help on this!