Disappearing Act - Lost Macros
Look for an *.otm file in:
c:\documents and settings\[user]\application data\Microsoft\Outlook
Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Synchronize Outlook Categories:
Am Sun, 6 Jan 2008 19:25:00 -0800 schrieb Paul Travis:
Eighteen months ago, I spent a lot of time writing a VBA macro for Outlook
that would let me update all the Notes fields in all contacts in a given
folder (e.g. "2008-01-01 Sent Holiday Email").
I haven't used it for a good 3 or 4 months, and was shocked to learn that
there are NO macros available now.
Questions: are they stored in the PST? If so, any recommdations on
extracting from a backed up file? If not, where do I search for them?
luck thus far)
Thanks kindly!