Auto Archiving
MikeJJ wrote:
I run my life by my diary, I make about 6 - 8 appointments a day and
sync my PDA to my PC every day. The PDA kept crashing then I realised
I was syncing every appointment I have made since July 2005.
Answer-- archive the old appointments, when setting up the auto
archive I changed the name of the file from the standard MSN file
name of 'Past Appointments' to my own name of 'Old Apointments. Now I
cannot open the file because window says it cannot open the file
because it dosnt know what prog wrote it.
I am losing all my old apponitments from three months past on a day
by day basis and I need to stop the Auto Archive and get access to
the Old Appontment file. I have tried 'open with' using about every
prog I have on my PC
There is no standard name for the archive PST. It is whatever you choose to
name it, provided you maintain the ".pst" file extension. Modify the
archive file so that it has somename.PST as the name and then modify the
autoarchive settings to use that name. FInally, if you want to see what's
in the autoarchive PST, open that PST in Outlook with FileOpenOutlook Data
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]