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Old January 9th 08, 12:08 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 50
Default OE Version and a question

"jch" wrote in message
. ..
Is there a newer version of OE than 6? On this particular laptop I'm
running XP Home. Also, I've always preferred OE as a newsreader over the
other options, eg Agent, Thunderbird, Mozilla, etc. I wonder though if
there is a different way to set OE so that I know when new contributions
have been made to watched threads. I like the way that OE highlights the
name of the newsgroup (turns it bold red) when there is new content, but
this doesn't appear when the cursor is already on that newsgroup name.
For example, I can go to
" express" and get all the
new headers. But I don't know if watched threads have new content because
that newsgroup is currently highlighted by the cursor (ie in focus). The
red/bold displaying of the newsgroup name isn't visible unless I've
choosen another newsgroup. Then and only then can I see that a different
newsgroup has new content. I hope that makes sense. Any ideas? Thanks.

One more thing: The behavior I described only works if the thread is
collapsed. So, let's say you're watching a very long thread whose messages
scroll past the bottom of the window, *AND* you've got that thread expanded.
The first message in the thread will NOT be bold read, even if messages
further down in the thread are unread. As soon as you collapse the thread,
the first message will show in bold red to indicate that there are unread
messages SOMEWHERE in the thread.

Look in Tools, Options, Read. 2nd option: Automatically expand grouped
messages. Is that checked? If yes, UNcheck it.
