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Old January 15th 08, 04:35 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
J. Huber
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Public folder favorite disappears

I will try deleting the ost file and see if that fixes it. Thanks for
the quick reply!

J. Huber

"Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]" wrote in

I have not encountered this, however, the public folder favorites
are stored in the OST/PST file. Knowing this, I would guess that
the problem lies in the synchronization of the public folders to the
OST/PST file.

Having said this, how big is the public folder she is adding?
How big is her OST file? Is it getting too large?
Perhaps her OST has been corrupted and needs to be
rebuilt. (Delete the OST and re-open Outlook).

Nikki Peterson
