Changing Color on a Disabled Button
All -
I really need help with this one. any pointers or direction for this
will be a big help.
Background -
I have an Outlook Addin developed in VSTO 2005 SE for Outlook 2003. I
create a Command Bar Button on new emails which can be pressed by the
users and then they send email (If pressed it stamps a MAPI property).
When the recipient recieves the email - based if the MAPI property
exists we make the button disabed as per the business requirements.
All this works fine.
Issue -
What business users want is when the button is in disabled taxt - it
should have red in color and be bold (to make it more prominent) .
I dont see any option to do this when the button is in disabled state
at all. Everything can be done in enabled state but not in disabled
Can anybody please help.