Hello Thanks : You said "Open outlook data file in that Profile". What
profile do you mean? Sorry. I read the three web sites you suggested. pst
file is located in Docs & settingsownerLocal settingsapplication
datamicrosoftoutlook. There is no path to it in windows explorer. It goes
as far as c:/driveDocuments & settingsOwner.The path stops there. There is
nolocal settingsapplication data etc.
I can open outlook and go to fileOpenOutlook data file. I can select
& copy the pst file from there, however when I open the new user account, I
do not have the option to "paste". so thats a dead end also. please step by
step as I am a newbie. thanks so much
Bob Levin
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Open your Outlook data file in this profile. The file you need is your
Personal Folders file (*.pst) It's where all the mail, calendar, contacts
etc are stored.
Take a look at these pages for info on Outlook data backup or transfer:
Russ Valentine
"Bob Levin" wrote in message
I created another user account,(same computer) I have over 500 contact. How
do I copy the contacts to the new user account? I'm sure it is simple but
fairly new. Thanks much
--This is Outlook 2007
Bob Levin