Collecting Data via Email
Hi All,
I am a complete newbie when comes to programming Outlook, developing Outlook
forms or add-ins.
However, Microsoft Access 2007 offers a new feature that allows you to
collect data via email where the email responses update the database
Personally, and excerpt for simple cases (like easy questions with yes/no
answers) my initial impression of the feature, as currently implemented, is
that it is probably to limited to be really useful for most cases of data
collecting. However I do like the concept.
Would it be possible to develop a pure Outlook solution that would achieve a
similar objective, but with more complex data collection/validation where the
responses would automatically update a SQL Server database?
I accept that many Customers who receive the "emailed form" may not be
running Outlook as there email client. I also accept that this type of data
collection/validation could also be achieved by emailing the Customer a link
to a website and web form.
Your thoughts appreciated.