Outlook problem
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January 21st 08, 10:35 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Carmen O Donnell
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Outlook problem
Thanks Diane, Don't know how long it woud have taken me to research on my
own. I really appreciate your reply. All is fine in Outlook
"Diane Poremsky" wrote in message
ok... with outlook closed, either go to control panel, mail (use classic
view of control panel) or right click on the start menu icon for Outlook
(if present - you may have OE shown instead) and choose properties. This
opens the profile dialog. Click Show profile, then Add a profile. give it
a name - choose Internet email acct on the first screen then cancel on the
Add New acct screen where it asks for your mail acct info. Outlook will
create a profile without an email acct.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Carmen O Donnell" wrote in message
Thanks for the real fast reply. I want to use Outlook Express for my
email. However I do use some of the other features in Outlook, calendar
etc. I cannot even open Outlook. Sorry to sound so inept, however I
don't even know what the "connector" is & how to access it.
Where is the help menu? When I go to Programs/MicrosoftOffice, I show 3
applications : MS Word, MS Office Tools. I went to recover application
and chose to recover but it brings up a little window referncing
"profile" Can't I use Outlooks other features without using the email? I
remember having access to both Outlook and Outlook express?/
Thanks for all your help again,
Before the machine was repaired and reformatte, I was able to import my
"Diane Poremsky" wrote in message
mscon is the outlook connector to bring msn/hotmail into outlook. now...
do you want to use Outlook or Outlook Express? Outlook Express uses the
wab, outlook does not.
I would start with detect and repair (help menu) and then reinstall the
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Carmen O Donnell" wrote in message
Can someone please help me. I have Office 2003 and when I try to open
MS Outlook it won't open. I get a message "An unexpected error has
occurred MAPI was unable to load the information service mscon.dll. Be
sure the service is correctly installed and configured" and when I
click on OK Outlook closes.
I just got my notebook back from being repaired and I had been trying
to put a saved address book into Outlook Express. I may have done
something when I tried to open a wab file and got a message: vcard is
not your default address book. It seems the only option was to take OK
when asked : do you want to change your default something. Can't
remeber - getting too old
I'm running XP Sp2. Any help would be
greatly appreciated..I use the calendar in Outlook and Word mostly
Thanks again in advance
Carmen O Donnell
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