Hi exciter,
have a look on thsi sites for some general information about "archiving":
I have created new folders where I keep some emails.
What would happen if I archive that folder?
You can select different settings for the "autoarchive" function, e.g "if
your emails are older then 4 months, move this emails into an archive.pst".
Your emails which are older then 4 months are moved automatically by Outlook
into a seperate PST file.
Why should I archive?
If you get a paperletter, do you store this always in your postbox? I make
"two holes" in the paper letter and "archive" this in a hardbox folder. Why
do not make the same with E-mails in "archive" or backup PST files?
I use a new archive PST file for every year. There is no reason to store old
information in an actual folder. If you search an email that you get 3
months ago, why do you search also in the last 5 years?
If you archive our emails, you reduce the size of your PST file and your
Exchange folders, if you would use Exchange.
If you use Outlook 97-2002, the limit of your PST file is 2GB.
Will it make outlook work faster because some emails will not be directly
You will "find" your information faster. Your backup is faster.
acessible but kept in archive in case of need?
Yes. How to? Have a look on this site:
"To read items archived using AutoArchive"
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"exciter" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
What is this archiving about after all?
I have created new folders where I keep some emails.
What would happen if I archive that folder?
Why should I archive?
Will it make outlook work faster because some emails will not be directly
acessible but kept in archive in case of need?